
Web Watch: Adonal Foyle

Athlete web pages. A trend that's starting to pick up, but probably not the way those superstars (and even superstar hopefuls) envisioned. They see dollar signs and sponsorships; we see over-inflated egos and perfect heckling material. Is it possible to have one of these without coming off as a pompous, self-involved tool? Every Thursday, until I can't find any more, we'll look at a (sometimes ex-) Bay Area athlete's site to find out...

Athlete: Adonal Foyle
Webpage: http://www.adonalfoyle.com

The Skinny: In all honesty Adonal manages to put together a pretty comprehensive page here, even though it's hard to get over the fact that it's Adonal Foyle. I mean come on, he's a below-average, overpaid center. What works here is that his NBA career is not really the reason he has this virtual space. He uses his resources and (semi-) celebrity to redirect the spotlight on other aspects of his life including community development, poetry, and even villa rentals courtesy of Adonal Foyle Enterprises.

If you don't know the Warriors center, he's actually very well read and eloquent. Apparently Foyle also holds poetry contests, posts essays he's written on everything from being named the all-time leading Warriors shotblocker to his thoughts on NBA players as role models.

("An athlete of 19 years, who has done nothing to better his community, does not deserve the honor of being called a role model. Charles [Barkley], like myself, wanted the word role model to be reserved for people who deserve it.")

Did you know that Foyle's favorite movie of all time is Crash? And coming in at number four is Brokeback Mountain.

Ever wanted to hear what Foyle thinks of the break-up between Jennifer Anniston and Brad Pitt? You can find it here. ("They were such a great couple.")

Overall a fairly impressive site, but then you remember he is holding your team hostage with three more guaranteed years on his six-year, $42 million contract...


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