Too Much Reminiscing
Rough one last night. Not only was it painful to watch the Dodgers sprint out to a 10-0 lead in the second inning, but the way Hennessey served 'em up was very unsettling. He still looks like a serviceable starter that can help the Giants next year, but he has to figure out his problems at AT&T Park.
Great move by the Giants brass celebrating Kirk Reuter's career. Not only was Woody a great pitcher and teammate, he was the essence of a gamer. His competitveness is legendary among former teammates, and so is his luck. My lasting memory of Woody will always be the unfortunate Game 7 of the 2002 World Series when Reuter came in for Livan Hernandez and threw four shutout innings to give the Giants a chance. I still will never know why Dusty started Livan, the unquestioned goat of the game and series. What would have happened had Reuter started, we'll never know. Looking back, I forgot how depressing the whole situation was. Actually, I didn't; I need you all to feel my pain.
I was in attendance last night and in a justifiably annoyed mood. I had just watched the Dodgers send nine men to the plate and not register an out. They were winning 10-0 in the second inning. 10-0! We were between innings and someone in the Giants PA booth had the gall to show the Delta Dental Smile Cam. Look, I'm all for fans having a good time at a game--I'll be pimping the Kiss Cam during every half-inning at sometime on this site--but when your team is down by 10 to your hated rivals, there shouldn't be anyone smiling. At that point, the only cam I wanted on me was the Middle Finger Cam. Unfortunately, that's not family friendly. Still, there were people yukking it up everywhere, and I was a little incensed. I love everything about AT&T (except the name) and would never want to return the Giants to the 'Stick, but there are some things that I miss about Candlestick. No one would have the testicular fortitude to show the Smile Cam at the 'Stick if the Giants trailed the Dodgers by 10. There also wouldn't be any hacks not wearing Giants gear at the stadium. Seriously, it's the biggest rivalry in California and you're not going to wear a Giants hat or shirt? This, also, would never happen at the 'Stick. I also miss the bleacher fights that were a nightly occurrence during Giant-Dodger games. I guess that the point here is that as good as the new park is, Candlestick was unique. The diehards were there, and they knew the Ballpark Etiquette. You would never see the wave at Candlestick. Now it is almost expected. And it is sickening.
Sorry for the rant. Ray Ratto is actually reporting something. I didn't know that this was in his job description. Must be somewhere under "write bad jokes". Love the pic by the way.
Hoping the Giants aren't down by 10 after two...
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